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The Vice President of Science and Technology meets the Minister of Industry and Technology of Kenya; Sattari: Technological cooperation will be formed between Iranian and Kenyan companies

During her three-day visit to Kenya, Vice President of Science and Technology Sorena Sattari met with Minister of Industry and Technology Betty Mania. The meeting focused on the development of bilateral relations between the two countries.


 During the meeting, the Vice President of Science and Technology said: "Iran's technological measures have accelerated since the beginning of the twelfth government, so that with the help of these measures, we can determine the scientific development of the country." The work was done using the power of indigenous knowledge and expertise of our youth.

 Sattari continued: "During these few years, in the heart of the technology and innovation ecosystem, more than 6,000 knowledge-based and creative companies were formed, whose sales amounted to about $ 12 billion last year."


 Sattari also emphasized: 40 knowledge-based companies will accompany the Iranian delegation in this trip. These companies can be a good bridge for technology transfer from Iran to Kenya.

 The head of the National Elites Foundation, referring to the meeting between Iranian and Kenyan companies, said: "Representatives of Iranian companies had talks with 130 Kenyan companies and participated in face-to-face meetings with each other." These meetings will lead to bilateral cooperation.

 Sattari invited Kenyan officials and technologists to visit Iran's technological achievements and technological infrastructure, saying: "Iran and Kenya should try to have joint projects and cooperation in the field of technology and knowledge transfer."

 Sattari continued: Iran and Kenya can cooperate in the field of technology-based industry. In our country, there is a high level of knowledge in the field of production of high-tech products. We are ready to share this capability with Kenya.

The Minister of Industry and Technology of Kenya, Ms. Betty Mania, also mentioned in this meeting that many years have passed since the holding of the last joint economic commission of the two countries. The time of holding the seventh joint economic commission between the two countries should be on the agenda.

 She added: "Holding this commission can pave the way for several actions between the two countries and accelerate trade relations between commercial and technology companies."

 She also said: "Kenya has good conditions in the field of tea production and we are ready to provide all necessary arrangements for the export of our tea to Iran." Kenya has a diverse basket of fruits, which can also be one of the areas of bilateral cooperation.

Report by the Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology

  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 72703

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